6.2.3 Complete the following sentences with the correct combination of preposition and demonstrative pronoun or adjective pronoun


destedestadestes destasdisto

naquelenaquelanaqueles naquelasnaquilo

àquele àquela àqueles àquelasàquilo

In some of these sentences we have verb tenses of the past that we have not seen until know, but if we follow the logic of the standard grammar, we need these tenses if the demontrative pronoun / the demonstrative adjective points to a far away time and that's why they appear in the following sentences. However that shouldn't be a big problem, the meaning can be deduced from the translation. We will discuss the verbal tenses in chapter eleven.
esta, este, estes, estas
cidades é preciso ser rico.
In these cities one must be rich.
aquele, aquela, aqueles, aquelas
tempos os alunos eram obrigados a obedecer.
In those times the students very obliged to obey.
se encontra a humanidade verdadeira que resiste à desumanização.
This is what real humanity, that resists barbarism, is about.
esse, essa, esses, essas
Eu quero um .
I want one of those.
esse, essa, esses, essas
Qual duas seria melhor?
Which of those two would be better.
que aconteceu foi horrível!
That what happened is awful.
aquele, aquela, aqueles, aquelas
Ela partiu a perna fim de semana que fomos passear no campo.
The weekend we made an excursion she broke her leg.
Só acredito que posso tocar.
I only believe in the things I can touch.

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