7.1. Exercise possessive pronouns / possessive adjectives

Possessive pronouns are determined by the owner, 1st, 2nd, 3rd person singular / plural, and by the gender and number of the thing possessed.

person singular / feminine - singular
É a minha casa. (This is my house.)
person singular /feminine - plural
São as minhas casas. (These are my houses.)
person singular / feminine - singular
É a tua casa. (This is your house.)
person singular / Maskulinum - Singular
É o teu problema.(This is your problem.)
person singular - Plural / feminine - singular
É a sua casa. (This is his house.)
person plural / Maskulinum - Plural
São os nossos problemas. (These are our problems.)

In the following exercise the person is given with the unstressed personal pronoun: eu, tu, ele, ela, você, nós, vocês, eles, elas. In other words this way:

eu, feminine - singular
É a minha casa. (This is my house.)
eu, Femininum - plural
São as minhas casas. (These are my houses.)
tu, feminine - singular
É a tua casa. (This is your house.)
ele / ela / você, feminine - singular
É a sua casa. (This is her house.)
nós, Maskulinum / Plural
São os nossos problemas. (These are our problems.)

However in the case of possessive adjective the gender and number of the thing possessed is not indicated, because in this case the gender and number is obvious. Furthermore in interrogative sentences we have to times qual / quais, what is actually which. However we translate with what.

São as escolhas que revelam o que realmente somos.
It is our decisions that reveals who we are.
ele, ela, você
Quais são intenções?
What are your intentions.
A roupa é a segunda pele.
This clothing is my second skin.
Os refugiados são os irmãos.
The refugees are our brothers.
A terra é a pátria e a humanidade minha família.
The earth is my homeland and humanity my family.
ele, ela, você
Quais são os motivos?
What are his motives?
Quais são os teus planos?
What are your plans?
ele, ela, você
Como é relação com o dinheiro?
What about your relationship to money?
eu / Femininum, Singular
� a .
This is mine.
nós / Maskulinum, Plural
São os .

These are ours.

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