6.2.1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the prepositions and articles

d) the unstressed personal pronouns o, a, os, as with the prepositions a, de, em, por (ao, à, às, do, das, no, pelo etc.)
aaoàaos à
de do da dos das
em no na nos nas
porpelopelapelos pelas

At the moment it is perhaps still unclear which preposition is to be used. Hear first the sentence and complete then the sentence with the correct combination of preposition and pronoun. You get the acento grave you need for the crase, when the preposition a collides with the articles a / as, by pressing the shift key and the accent key and then the a.
Dou o livro mulher.
I give the woman the book.
Recevo os livros homens.
I get the books from the men.
As crianças estão jardim.
The children are in the garden.
Faz calor casas.
It is hot in the houses.
Damos o dinheiro homens.
We give the money to the men.
Damos o bolo meninas.
We give the cake to the girls.
Os sapatos mulheres são bonitas.
The shoes of the women are beautiful.
Não estamos aqui seu dinheiro.
We are not here because of your money.
Como resolver uma crise empresa.
How to overcome a crises in a company.
ruas que andei.
The streets I went through.

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