21.1 formation of adverbs

There are genuine adverbs like now, today, immediately, soon etc.. which doesn't steem from an adjective and there are adverbs like, slowly, quickly, easily that steems from an adjective. Sometimes there is no difference between the adjective and the adverb. (This car is fast. <=> He runs fast.)

In Portuguese and in all other roman languages the adverbes are formed based on the feminine form of the adjective to which the ending -mente is added. If there is no feminine form because the adjective ends with a consonant or if there is no difference between the masculine and the feminine form the ending -mente is added directly. If there is an accent it is left out.

masculine feminine adverb translation
elegante elegante elegantemente elegant
simpatico simpatica simpaticamente likeable
carinhoso carinhosa carinhosamente tender
respeitoso respeitosa respeitosamente respectful
rápido rápida rapidamente fast
redondo redonda redondamente round
macio macia maciamente sanft
ligeiro ligera ligeramente gentle
direto direta diretamente directt
consideravel consideravel consideravelmente considerabel

Some adverbs like baixo (quiet / small), alto (loud / big), barato (cheap), etc.. doesn't differ from the adjective.

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