Everything was well planned, so that there were no faults. |
Tudo foi bem pensado não houvesse falhas. |
The more time passes, the more sad I get. |
que o tempo passa, mais triste sou. |
In this moment he stand up, as if he had awaken suddenly. |
Nesse instante se levantou fosse subitamente acordado. |
Even if I had been invited, I wouldn't go to this party. |
fosse convidado ,não iria à esta festa. |
I gave him a signal so that he did it. |
Fiz-lhe sinal o fizesse. |
He was so overwhelmed that he started crying. |
A emoção foi tão grande começou a chorar. |
I was so cold, that he didn't want to leave. |
O frio era grande, não quiser sair. |
I was so cold, that he didn't want to leave. |
Seria mais poeta fosse menos egoista. |
He talked a lot, therefore he got hoarse. |
Falou muito e ficou rouco. |
As I already said, I won't go away on a trip. |
o que eu havia dito, não viajarei. |
She went there because she felt lonely. |
Ela fora para lá estava só. |