16.1. exercise: Formation of the infinitivo pessoal

The infinitivo pessoal has the same endings as the futuro do conjuntivo, in REGULAR VERBS there is therefore no difference between the infinitivo pessoal and the futuro do conjuntivo. Both have no endings at all in the first and third person singular, it is in both cases just the infinitive and in the other persons the endings are -es, -mos, -em. However from a syntactical point of view they are completely different, their functions in a sentence is completely different. The infinitivo pessoal can used everywhere whre an infinitivo can be used, while the futuor do conjuntivo is used, mostly, in a subordinate clause introduced by the conjunction que if the event of the subordinate clause is insecure concerning the moment when it will happen. To put it straightforward in simplifying a little bit. The infinitivo pessoal depends from a preposition, resembles more to an object, the futuro do conjuntivo depends from a conjunction.

It is useful to see that difference. What is identical in the form is not necessarily identical concerning the syntactical function.

It is easy to understand why there is no difference in the form in the regular verbs. The infinitivo pessoal is formed by adding the personal endings, eu falar, tu falares, ele / ela falar, nós falarmos, eles / elas falarem to the infinitive. The steem of the futuro do conjuntivo is the the third person plural of the pretérito perfeito simples without the personal ending -am / -em. If we leave out the personal ending, we get the steem and the steem in this case, in the case of regular verbs, the infinitive: falaram => falar. Since the steem and the ending are the same in both cases, there is no difference, in regular verbs, in the form.

In the case of an irregular verb this is not the case. If we leave out for instance the ending of the third person plural of the verb saber, souberam, we get souber and that is not identical to the infinitive.

The infinitivo pessoal can be used everywhere where an infinitiv can be used, in other words, as an infinitiv he can be an object and in front of an object we have a preposition. The futuro do conjuntivo has the syntactical function of a verb and is introduced by a conjunction, see 16 infinitivo pessoal.

Decide in the following sentences whether the marked verbforms are a conjuntivo (futuro do conjuntivo, presente do conjuntivo, imperfeito do conjuntivo) or a infinitivo pessoal. Justify your choice. To get the answer click on the eye.

Quando a professora chegar a casa, verá o bilhete. infinitivo pessoal conjuntivo
When the teacher arrives at home, she will see the ticket.

Sem lutares, a vitória é improvável. infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
If you don't fight, victory is improbable.

Convém chegarem mais cedo. infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
It is better when they arrive earlier.

Direi a verdade quando ele me perguntar. infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
I will the the truth, if he asks me.

Se tu não fizeres isto podes prejudicar o trabalho. infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
If you don't do it, you will damage the work.

Quando eu acordar, ligarei para minha filha. infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
If I awake, I will call my daughter.

Ao acordar, ligarei para minha filha. infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
If I avwake, I will call my daughter.

Quero estudar Medicina a fim de que possa ajudar muitas pessoas.infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
I want to study medecine, so that I can help other people.

Quero estudar Medicina a fim de poder ajudar muitas pessoas.infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
I want to study medecine, so that I can help other people.

O amante saiu do quarto antes que seu marido chegasse do trabalho.infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
The lover left the room, bevor her husband came back from work.

O amante saiu do quarto antes de seu marido chegar do trabalho. infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
The lover left the room, bevor her husband came back from work.

Vou ligar para minha mãe até que ela atenda o telefone.infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
I will call my mother until she will answer.

Vou ligar para minha mãe até ela atender o telefone.infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
I will call my mother until she will answer.

O rapaz estava dirigindo o carro sem que tivesse carteira de motorista.infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
The boy was driving a car, although he had no drivers license.

O rapaz estava dirigindo o carro sem ter carteira de motorista.infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
The boy was driving a car, although he had no drivers license.

Eram pessoas difíceis de serem contentadas. infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
They were difficult people that barely could be satisfied.

Eles pediram para eu falar com o diretor. infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
They asked me to talk with the director.

Eles pediram que falasse como o diretor. infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
They asked me to talk with the director.

Os socialistas espanhóis congratulam-se por terem chegado a este momento. infinitivo pessoalconjuntivo
The Spanish socialists congratulated themselves to have reached this historic moment.

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