13.1 exercise: the formation of the conditional

The conditional is used in conditional clauses of type II, "If I were rich, I would buy a car", and in conditional clauses of type III, "If I had been rich, I would have bought a car". The difference between type II and type III is that type II assumes a condition that is possible, although not very probable and type III a condition that is definitely impossible.

Furthermore, that is true as well for roman language and the author guesses for all indogermanic languages, to express future from the position of the past: He told me that he would do it.

The conditional is used as well, if someone wants to be more polite: Would you please do that for me. This works as well in any indogermanic language.

The formation of the conditional is very easy. We add the corresponding endings -ia, -ias, -ia, -iamos, -iam to the infinitv.

Conjugate the following verbs in condicional I. There are only few verbs that are irregular in condicional. One example for these irregular verbs is fazer.

falar to speak
dar to give
ouvir to hear
comprar to buy
saber to know
ir to go
fazer to do
começar to start
poder to be able to
entrar to enter

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